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Frequently Asked Questions
What is book coaching?Book coaching is like having a personal trainer for your writing life. I'll help whip your book into shape--no sweaty drills, but plenty of hard work and motivation. I provide ideas and inspiration to help hone your craft, find your voice, and tell the story you want to tell. Together, we'll clarify your book idea so that it has the best possible chance of achieving your literary goals. I'll help develop a detailed master plan to reach your target audience and maximize success. I'll hold you accountable and shepherd you through achievements and roadblocks. As your book coach, I'll support you every step of the way. I am proud to be an Author Accelerator Certified book coach in fiction, nonfiction, and memoir. As an Author Accelerator certified book coach, I am qualified to coach writers using Author Accelerator's strategy, methods, and materials, but I operate independently of Author Accelerator and am not affiliated with them. Thank you for trusting me with your story.
Will coaching still work for me if I've never published anything or if I'm unsure if I want to publish at all?Yes. I work with writers at every stage of their writing journey. Together we develop a detailed strategic plan designed to meet your individual needs and objectives. I am well-versed in coaching writers through various methods of publishing including traditional, hybrid, and self-publishing. I believe Writers Gotta Write! I have the utmost respect for writers regardless of whether the final goal is an international bestseller or an audience of one. I am here to support both the process and the outcome.
How is coaching different from writing workshops and conferences?Book coaching focuses directly on you and your writing. I work closely with you based on your individual needs and objectives. Together, we develop a strategic plan to bring your ideas to life on the page. Book coaching is unique because you don’t have to listen to a lecture designed for a different writing level. You don’t have to workshop your pages with writers in other genres. You don’t have to share with a writing group that may not understand your mission. The process is tailored specifically for you and your writing goals.
Approximately how long does book coaching take?Book coaching timelines vary. I am flexible and able to accomodate your individual needs. It depends on what you are writing, how clear your vision is and where you are in the writing process. Most clients work with me for approximately six months to a year as they write and revise their work. I have a range of packages and can tailor them to ensure they best support your individual writing goals.
What genres do you coach? What are your areas of interest?While I specialize in memoir, I work with writers in both nonfiction and fiction. I coach nonfiction writers in narrative memoir, prescriptive memoir, and self-help/personal growth. I coach fiction writers in genres including literary, historical, upmarket, and women's fiction. I love the creative process and the miracle of creating something out of nothing; beginning with a blank page and ending with a fully realized story. I understand the grit and determination it takes to write. I love helping writers of all levels achieve their writing and publishing goals. As a student of life, I’m curious about so many things. These two A to Z lists show the positive and negative areas I am passionate about exploring. Is my list-making habit showing? If your favorite topic is missing, that simply means it could be a new area of interest. Let me know what’s on your mind. Fascinating Subjects. Art Animals Buddhism Cooking DNA EFT Feminism Friendship Girl Power Healing Highly Sensitive People Humor Imperfection Intuition Journalism Kindness Love Meditation Metaphysical Motherhood Nonprofits Numerology Optimism Personality tests Psychology Psychiatry Quest for truth Reading Rites of Passage Reiki Religion Spirituality Travel Underdog stories Unrequited love Volunteerism Women’s empowerment Writing to heal XO (hugs and kisses) Young adults Zen Tough Stuff. Challenges to Overcome. Absence seizures Anxiety Autism ADHD Body Dysmorphia Bullying Cancer Chronic pain Covid-fatigue Depression Eating disorders Epilepsy Fibromyalgia Gaslighting Gun violence Hatred Infidelity Imposter’s Syndrome Jealousy Killjoys LGBTQ injustice Mental illness Miscarriage Multiple Sclerosis Myocarditis Narcissistic Personality Disorder Negativity OCD Panic disorder Perfectionism Procrastination PTSD Quitting Rape Sexual assault Social media Tension Myositis Syndrome Thyroid cancer Unhappiness Violence Writer’s block Xenophobia Yadda Yadda Yadda Zealots Zombies
What are your qualifications?I have more than 25 years of experience in writing, editing, and communicating. I began as a theatre critic for my college newspaper and campus stringer for The New York Times. My first job was as an editorial assistant for the newsletter of an international hotel chain. I have written and published countless articles and completed a memoir. Throughout my varied career, I have written all types of content for politicians, celebrities, business leaders, and most importantly, amazing, ordinary people. I have coached hundreds of students in drafting outstanding college application essays. I have helped dozens of authors bring their books to life. Whether in book coaching or essay work, I am driven by empathy and a calling to help people connect through storytelling. I love to bear witness to people’s stories and help shine a light on what is important to them. ​I have gone through extensive training and ongoing skill-building and I am an Author Accelerator Certified book coach. ​Author Accelerator​ is an online book coaching program that supports writers through the process of trying and failing, studying and thinking, stopping and starting, honing their skills, admitting their faults, and getting up every day to face their fears and their doubts, over and over and over again. Author Accelerator’s core philosophy is that the best way to learn how to write is with one-on-one professional guidance. I am proud to have learned book coaching from the talented team at Author Accelerator. I also coach writers in the coaching track for She Writes Press and SparkPress.
How much does it cost?Please click here to see my rates and packages. I offer a complimentary phone or video call to discuss your work and your needs. Schedule you free call here.
What forms of payment do you accept?I accept payment via Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, personal check, and other methods as preferred. Thanks!
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